2025 - Ebba Website 2025

جمعية رجال الإعمال المصرية البلجيكية
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Events on 2020  

Seminar with Maj. Eng. Ismail Gaber - Head of the Egyptian Exp. & Imp. Control Authority
    Feb. 09th, 2020
On Sunday, February 9th, 2020, the association invited General Eng. Ismail Gaber, head of the Egyptian Export and Import Control Authority to be the main speaker at a seminar for EBBA members at the Egyptian Automobile and Touring Club in Cairo to answer their questions and solve their problems.
The seminar was attended by a large number of EBBA members. It was also honored with the presence of honorary members Mr. Ahmed Farag Saudi - former head of the Egyptian Customs Authority, and Mr. Mokhtar Abu Youssef - former head of the Egyptian Trade Representation Office in Brussels. It was also attended by Mrs. Haguer Magdy - Commercial Attaché at the Belgian Embassy in Egypt.
The seminar started at 5:00 pm. At the beginning, Mr. Rafik Attia expressed his welcome and thanks to Major Eng. Ismail Gaber & all the attendees. He then gave the word to Maj. Eng. Ismail Gaber, who explained in details many aspects related to the Egyptian Export and Import Control Authority and the new regulations, in addition to what is expected to be developed in the near future, the thing that will reflect positive results on the business community in Egypt.
Later, he discussed with the attendees all their problems with the authority and promised to solve them as he always do solve problems as soon as they are revealed and discussed. He then answered all the questions presented by the attendees in details, and took some positive decisions during the session to solve their explained problems, which made the seminar an enjoyable and helpful event. He also made it clear that his door is open to any member of EBBA who has any issues to solve.
The seminar ended at 7:30 pm and the attendees expressed their gratitude to General Ismail Gaber for his time, information and assistance.
EBBA wishes him success, progress, health, and happiness.

Photo Gallery of the Event
(Click on image to enlarge)

Interview with H.E. Ambassador of Belgium in Egypt - Al Ahram Newspaper
    December 02nd, 2019
In its December, 02nd, 2019 issue, Al-Ahram newspaper published the interview that took place with H.E. Mrs. Sibille de Cartier, the Ambassador of Belgium in Egypt. The interview was conducted by the jornalist Ghada Elsharqawi. The article expressed her close relations to the Egyptian community and culture, as well as her valued opinions regarding many economic and political subjects, both locally and internationally.

Article copy from the newspaper
(Click on image to enlarge)

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