Al-Ahram Al-Arabi inside the Belgian Colony - Naga Hammadi Sugar Factory (Article publish by Al-Ahram Al-Arabi newspaper during December 2015)
Architectural Heritage that is Unique, Unnoticed Yet by the State
Includes featured royal style buildings and the oldest cinema and theater in Egypt in which Naguib El Rehany was training, a tennis court and a swimming pool that is more than 120 years old.
Unique architecture Heritage that is a unique state-of-the-art, services area includes the oldest cinema & theater in Egypt with 200 seats, tennis court ,swimming pool, and cabaret decorated with rare oily pictures. It was used by the artist Naguib El Rehany when he was working as simple employee in sugar Nag Hammadi factory before he cuts his way to art, not to mention the rare trees & fountains , rest houses, and royal restaurants festooned with lighting that does not differ much from hotels "Cataract" and "Winter Palace" in Luxor and Aswan.
Kena – Osama El Hawary
A special nature was put by the Belgians before 100 years inside the colony of Nag Hammadi Sugar factory, hosted by the city of Nag Hammadi northern province of Qena after it has been bought by the Belgian business man Mr. Henry Noss from the Egyptian government in 1903, where major of managements were foreigner, and the company was keen to isolate them in walled cities, called colonies to keep them alive as the foreign management was injustice to the workers at that time.
A royal restaurant with wooden stairs stuffed with stones containing stoned from Pharaohs temples to settle rest rooms and the development of the infrastructure of the colony, this might be the reason it is still a solid architectural masterpiece keeping its luster that the camera of Al-Araby Newspaper recorded, , not to mention the cinema & theater which, despite the elements of weather, were not affected neither the building which carries the priceless machines to view movies nor the green wooden seats, which the colors remain not affected, and still rowed to show the greatness of space and time together.
And close to it where the tennis court with its red land still retains its corners and flanks, but still used up to the minute in training and practice of tennis from its lovers and its team, which for the moment are still training in it, and only two steps the swimming pool, which days for ladies only were allotted and in the same place is located cabaret and winter theater, where its walls are decorated with oily paintings drawn by number of Belgians and foreigners who wrote their names on them and the upper theater for dance, and a floor surmounted by a balcony to watch, and room supplement with value billiards table , which was included to it in the late 40th of the last century, before the Second World War.
From the entrance to the center of the colony where the fish fountain you will be astonished with its design and retaining its value despite the passage of decades beyond century of time, and waters still running , you can see the fish in the floor dancing at center of wooden Pergola to enjoy , in the background there are gardens of citrus fruits, rare trees face of the Royal restaurant, which food silverware are still up to the minute inside it.
Engineer Adel Ayoub, the current director of sugar company in Naga Hammadi, who accompanied the representative of Al-Ahram Al-Arabi, said he was keen since assigned in September to keep this value heritage ??which reveals the greatness of the value heritage ??in all corners of Egypt and its provinces and he refused to extend hands to tarnish the beauty of the place and keep the value of time in it.
He revealed that the rare Belgian colony, which the state did not pay attention to it till now, Saad Zaghloul visited before the 1919 revolution in his trip to upper Egypt on the back of the Nile steamer which toured the Nile Valley cities in southern Egypt at that time, and stopped in it with the insistence on workers hospitality.
Adding that the workers of Sugar Company in Naga Hammadi were the owners of the credit to the first gains of the labor movement in the forefront of Egypt in 1939, after more than 1,000 factory's workers had managed a syndicate for them and set its legal consultants from local lawyers.
The syndicate seized the opportunity of juicy season and progressed through its consultants at the time a number of demands relating to higher wages and reduce working hours from 12 hours to 8 hours, and payment of additional fees for excess hours of work and repair workers' housing and to send a team of day laborers to the cadre of permanent workers.
Which forced Henry Noss, Chairman of the company, to travel to them in March 1939 in Naga Hammadi, having contact the governor of Qena and official of Naga Hammadi police office, he recalled workers' representatives to inform them of some of the decisions taken by the company to settle their demands which recorded its first victory of the labor movement in Egypt.
We left the colony of sugar factory in Naga Hammadi and the rare birds still aspire to it while the state represented by the Ministries of Culture and monuments together migrated it which despite its annexation to rare buildings and restrooms continuous Skip old 100 year amid spaces covered with greenery and trees in harmony along the lines of Fusstat and Al-Azhar Gardens.
All of workers of the colony and its staff well aware of the rare value of this colony, we left it and coach of tennis Captain Shaban Ali Mahmoud is preparing to run the game on the red court amid attendance of workers to watch inside the walls of the colony, which was a witness to the oldest industry of sugar in Egypt since 1836 and within Photos & archive of the development of the sugar industry since ancient times.
Photo Gallery of the Event
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